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Friday, July 27, 2007

The Youngest

You'll never guess who we found in our bed the other night...again. It's getting so bad that I'd almost say it's unusual not to find him there.

Anyway, at least it gives me someone to practice my lighting on. I'll be the first to admit that using flash is not one of my strong suits, and it's been my goal to learn to use it better.

So here he is. All decked out in his Thomas pajamas with his Thomas pillow and Thomas blanket. Is he sleeping in his train bed???? Of course not!

A close-up.

By now I've taken a dozen or so pictures, and moved my flash/played with settings about as many times. He's starting to move around a bit. I like the shadow on his face in this one.

The Husband told him to go to the bathroom before putting him in his own bed. This is where we found him, poor child. Being the nurturing Mother I am, I took a few more shots of him lying on the hard floor before allowing the tourture to come to an end.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

What's It Thursday!

Sorry folks, I wasn't feelin' well yesterday.

Last week's shot was one of those fancy wine bottle opener's. You guys were so close! Let's see how you do this week...

Monday, July 23, 2007

4 Generations

Last night I had the opportunity to photograph 4 generations of women at the beautiful SUNY Cortland Alumni House (thanks so much for your graciousness, Tracey!) I had such a wonderful time during the session as they beautiful women, inside and out. "H", thank you for allowing me to capture some memories for you and your family!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Gallery is Live!

For those of you who have been wating patiently, Bob & Amy's gallery is finished! You can go ahead an access it with the information on the back of the cards that were at the reception. This will take you right to the gallery home page.

Thanks again for being so patient as I worked on it!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What's It Wednesday!

Jen's done it again! She correctly guessed that last week's picture was the charger to a cordless phone. Way to go, girl!

Uh, Jennie? (Aka: Homewrecker) (I'll have to explain her nickname sometime...until then just know she isn't really a homewrecker) You're slacking, girl. Time to get your game on.

Other business-related news:

This past month has been very busy with TTD sessions, Amy & Bob's E-Session and wedding, and the Hospice event I volunteered for. I also have a session scheduled tonight (if we don't get rained out). Although I strive to take absolutely mind-blowing images straight out of the camera, the reality is that they all need some amount of post-production work to meet my standards. This could be anything from a simple crop or converting to black and white to removing blemishes or Wedding Coordinators. Please bear with me while I work to make them the best photographs they can be!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Bob & Amy's Slideshow!

Here it is! The slideshow for Bob & Amy's wedding is ready for your viewing pleasure!

P.S. The title of the song is called "Rockin' the Churchbells", so I thought it was fitting for the slideshow. The images are timed to move with the music, which means it's faster in some places. Unfortunately, there isn't any way to slow down the images, so you'll just have to watch it again from the beginning!

Bob & Amy's Gallery

This morning I received an email from Becky asking about Bob & Amy's photo gallery, so I thought I'd blog about it hoping some of you are finding my blog from my website. I know how excited you all are to view their images, but it takes me a few weeks to sort, edit, and post them online in between my M-F job and other photography sessions that are scheduled. Believe me, I wish I could do it sooner! That is the #1 reason for my get you a preview in between the event and the time the gallery goes online.

Tonight I will have their slideshow online, and that will give you a few more to enjoy in the mean time!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Tune In Monday Evening...

to view the slideshow from Bob & Amy's wedding. There will be imgaes added to the original show that my Assistant, Thelma, put together at the reception. Stay tuned!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Congratulations Bob & Amy!

Bob & Amy tied the knot on Amy's Birthday yesterday. I admit I was a bit nervous about the whole Friday the 13th thing when my morning starting out poorly, but thank goodness all of my bad luck happened before the ceremony. We were blessed with one of the most beautiful July days I can skies with big, puffy clouds, a mild temperature and no rain! I'd also like to give a shout out to Thelma for being such a superb Assistant. It's so much more fun when she's with me!

Bob & Amy, here are a few images to tide you over until you come back from your honeymoon. I hope you have a wonderful time, and thank so much for letting me document your wedding day!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Mohawk That Wasn't

The Oldest is a "Pre-teen". Do you know what that means? Do you? It means, basically, that I have to drink a lot of wine to survive the next 6 years, cuz if I don't he might not live through it. It means that since I'm home all day trying to turn him into a successful adult and future husband, I get more than my fair share of "looks that could kill", huffing and puffing, stomping off, and even an occasional door slam.

Thelma tries to help me through it because she's wise beyond her years and is years away from having a Pre-teen. A few weeks ago she enlightened me with "It Doesn't Matter", my new mantra to be used in situations like when I find out he didn't really do his homework like he said he did. (Which, thank God, is an issue we won't have for several more weeks).

Yes, I'm getting to the point...

Anyway, The Oldest had asked for a Mohawk at some point (granted, looking back on it, it may have been a few years ago) and I'd promptly told him "no". After considering it (for several years, apparently?) I decided he could have one. After all, it's only hair, right? So last night I decided to surprise him with it. The Husband documented the occasion.

And of course he hated it.

Why didn't I see that coming? Why?

Needless to say, it was too late to go back. His choices were either A) live with it until it grows in or B) buzz it all off. He decided to buzz it all off. I was really worried about how it was going to play out, because I remember my Mom giving me a perm when I was in Kindergarten or 1st grade. I hated it and I went to school with a hood on to hide it. During class the teacher told me to take my hood off and I remember crying because I didn't want to, and the kids started laughing at me when I finally took it off. I'm still traumatized just remembering it.

But somehow we managed to get through it without any eye-rolling, huffing and puffing OR stomping off. He was a good sport about it, as was I, although to be fair I'm the one still sporting all my hair.

I guess he told himself it didn't matter.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Heat Wave

When The Husband & I put our house up for sale last year I told him I wanted to have an old house with character and no pool. I know God has a sense of humor because much to my chagrin the house I fell in love with had one.

I tried hard to convince him to fill it in, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. Once we got it open and running, though, we realized that it's much more efficient than our other pool, and I don't have to spend nearly as much time cleaning it. So, it worked out well after all, especially since we can't afford a Country Club membership!

And boy did it come in handy earlier this week when temperatures were in the 90's! I can't imagine trying to entertain 5 boys this summer without it.

What's It Wednesday!

Horray! Thelma is the winner of June's prize...a McDonald's Arch Card! (And Jen? I still need your address so I can send you yours. I don't forget about these things!) Thelma and Jen have been my most loyal WIW players, so it was only a matter of time before they both won.

Now, go forth and guess!

Monday, July 9, 2007

I'm Baaaaack

Wow! Time flies, doesn't it? I didn't realize how long I'd been away from my blog, and I apologize. Truthfully, while it was my intention to take a few days away from the computer (for those of you who don't know, I have Carpal Tunnel, and taking photographs and editing take a toll on my hands) but I didn't mean to be gone as long as I was. It's a catch-22, because I LOVE what I do, but I do pay for it when I'm busy!
Something funky's going on...for some reason I can't give this post a title. Looks like Blogger's getting a little passive-aggressive on me.

Anyway, I thought I'd share a few more images I shot at Andi and Mel's wedding with Frank DiMeo.