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Saturday, June 30, 2007

One More!

I had such a hard time narrowing down which pictures to post from Amy & Bob's E-Session yesterday! Last night, as I was going through them again, this one popped out at me.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Amy & Bob's Engagement Session

Oh my gosh, I had such a wonderful time hanging out with Amy and Bob yesterday afternoon! Their session was in downtown Syracuse, and we basically just wandered around for a few hours, stopping to take a few pictures when we found an intersting location. As you can see, they're naturals in front of the camera. (I don't think they'd describe themselves that way, but you can see from these images that I'm right!)

Thanks so much for an awesome session, you two! I'll see you at the wedding in a couple of weeks!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What's It Wednesday!

First things first, I want to wish The Husband a Happy Anniversary! We've been married 6 years today, and the heat and humidity remind me of our wedding day in Jamaica. (Yes, we eloped!)

Honey, I want you to know how much I love you! Thank you for putting up with me all these years!

Now, Congratulations to...everyone...for guessing last week's image correctly as a spatula. I didn't realize that one was so obvious. Good luck with this one!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Twin Trashing, Part Two!

Here are some more images from our TTD session on Sunday. As you can see, Jen & Aimee were willing to try anything! I had a lot of fun you two, and I hope you enjoy them.

I also need to give a big thank you to the guys at Dinosaur BBQ for letting the girls get on their bikes for some pictures. THANK YOU guys! If you're reading this, be sure to leave a comment so we know you stopped by!

Monday, June 25, 2007

A Twin Trashing!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of hanging out with Jen and Aimee, twin sisters who thought a TTD session would be too much fun to pass up. I had photographed both of their weddings, and I was psyched about getting them together to trash their dresses! We had an awesome time, and it's days like that, that remind me how truely blessed I am to have a job that is so downright fun! It doesn't get any better than that.

Most of the session was shot in downtown Syracuse. I'm posting a few images to tide you over for now. My hands are sore from a busy weekend, and I'm going to give them a break for a few hours. Stop back tomorrow to see some wet Brides and some hogs!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mel & Andy's Wedding

Yesterday I had the opportunity to 2nd shoot for Frank DiMeo. For those of you who don't know, Frank is one of the most sought after wedding photographer's in our area. I was a bit nervous and intimidated going into it, but he is truly a nice guy who is more than willing to share his knowledge with others. I am extremely grateful for the chance to learn from one of the best.

Mel and Andy got hitched at Willard Straight Hall on the Cornell campus. The hall has a huge patio at the top that overlooks the City of Ithaca, and the view is fabulous! I couldn't resist using my fisheye lens for a shot during their beautifully simple ceremony.

I have another TTD session this afternoon, so I haven't had time to go through the rest of yesterday's photographs. This one stuck out at me when I was downloading them, though, so I just had to post it up!
Click here to see a few more from their wedding.

Friday, June 22, 2007

How To Leave Some Love, 101...

Ever since I installed StatCounter I've been able to see exactly how many "lurkers" I have, which is a term for those of you who stop by to see what fascinating things I have to say, but don't leave a comment.

Before StatCounter I just assumed I was pouring my heart out to, like, 3 people. Now I know there's many more of you than that and I wonder to myself why you don't say "hi" while you're here. The other day it occurred to me that maybe you don't know how, so I'm going to walk you through it step-by-step.

1. Scroll to the end of the post and look for "comment" in pink (or green).
2. Click on it and a new window will open up.
3. You'll see the other comments on the left (if there are some) and a big box for you to type in on the right.
4. Compose a wonderful message in the box.
5. You don't have to sign up for an account! If you do, great, you'll have to log in. If not, you can leave an anonymous comment and just sign your name at the end of your fabulous message.
6. Click "publish your comment". That's it! You're done! I will receive an email notification, and after I verify that it's PG I will publish it.

So now that you know how, please introduce yourself and leave some blog love! Us "bloggers" appreciate knowing that people are actually reading all this stuff!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Trash The Dress, Part Two!

Whew! That was a lot of pictures to go through! Here are the rest of my favorties from the session. A huge thanks to Thelma for offering to sit for me and for being such a great sport! Love ya, sista!
Chillin' on the John Deere.

In the chicken coop.

Some flair!

At the pond.

Doesn't she look HOT?!

Back off, fellas...she's married.

Last but not least, in the creek!

And playin' around with the flash.

Trash The Dress...Country Style!

Trash the Dress sessions have been getting national exposure recently, and I've been anxious to get my feet wet with one (literally). I'd asked just about everyone I knew, and Thelma and I were finally able to sneak away for a few hours last night. We couldn't have asked for a nicer day for it!

Being the sentimental woman she is, she wasn't sure she wanted to do the session in her wedding gown, so she opted for a bridesmaid dress she never actually wore. I was just happy to have a model to play with!

I'm not finished going through all of the images, but here's a sneak peek for those of you who are curious about this exciting trend. I only have 2 free sessions left, so if you're interested send me an email.

While you're here, let Thelma know how beautiful she is by clicking on "comment" at the bottom of the post, and leave some love!
We started out at the land Thelma and her hubby just purchased. They'll be building a house on it soon!

Then we stopped in at her brother and sister-in-laws house to say "hi", and the next thing I heard was "Where's your camera? I'm cooking in an evening gown!"

Thelma's sister-in-law, "J" let us borrow these fab cowboy boots for the session. Check back later for more!