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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bob & Amy's Album Preview

Every Wedding Photographer dreams of their "perfect couple, and Bob and Amy were mine. From our very first meeting they told me they wanted anything but traditional wedding photography. They wanted their wedding images to reflect their fun personalities and my creativity. Because they were so open minded, they also ended up being my guinea pigs twice while I tried out new products on them.

Well, they're not done yet! Bob and Amy have decided to upgrade the album that came with their package. I have been dying to order from this album company and am thrilled that they trusted me once again to provide them with some sweet new merchandise.

finished the first draft of their album this morning and am posting it here for them (and you) to see. Amy, if you think it's too late to call when you see this, feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think! (The page ends inside the white keyline...that's just my black border and logo around the actual album page).
The first spread...pages 1 and 2:

Pages 3 and 4:

5 and 6:

7 and 8:

9 and 10:

11 and 12:

13 and 14:

15 and 16:

17 and 18:

19 and 20:

21 and 22:

And finally, 23 and 24! (They tied the knot on Amy's Birthday, so that's a Birthday cake in addition to their wedding cake!)

This Is Hilarious!

Okay, this has nothing at all to do with photography, and I have no picture to go with it, but it is just so funny I couldn't resist sharing it with you! For those of you without kids, this is what it's truely like to go shopping with them. It doesn't matter if you have 2 or me.

All I can say is thank God for Price Chopper's play area!

Click here for a glimpse into the life of a Mother.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Changin' It Up

I couldn't let larger images be the only change to my blog, now could I? Yes, the header is new. Thank you for noticing. However, it's my brand spankin' new logo that's got me all excited! I actually use a wax seal on my packaging so I feel like this logo ties everything together nicely. So tell me whether or not you like it. As always I'm anxious to hear your thoughts. You won't hurt my feelings...if you love it I'll be thrilled, and if you don't I have ice cream waiting in the freezer. Either way I win, right??

This is what it'll look like on the black frame that surrounds my pictures.

And this is what it will look like on white:

Quality Time

Here are some images from our hiking trip with the kids on Sunday. I hope you enjoy the new, bigger pictures!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Just One!

Here is a shot I took yesterday while hiking with The Family. I'll post more as I process them!

Macro Monday!

Good job, Jenn! Last week's image was a Stargazer Lilly! You will be entered into this month's drawing for a $10 itunes gift card.

Good luck to you all this week!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

I was tagged by my faithful blog reader and photographer friend Jenn, to participate in a blog game where I'm supposed to list 8 interesting things about myself that my blog readers may not know and then try to get 8 other photographers to do the same!

Here goes!

1. I was born in Elgin, Illinois. My family moved to New York when I was a senior in high school.

2. I am very creeped out by spiders.

3. I've been married twice but never worn a wedding dress.

4. I've wanted to be a Photographer since I was a teenager. My dream was to work for National Geographic. I suppose that's why I love to shoot landscapes so much!

5. I never wear shorts.

6. I cannot stand when people are late.

7. I love all kinds of music. My ipod has everything from Elton John to Eminem to Korn.

8. My first car was a Mercury Lynx. My dream car is a Hummer.

9. My married name is my Mother's maiden name.

10. I wanted to name both of my son's Christian, but both Father's vetoed it.

Ok, here's who I'm tagging:

1. Paula Porter
2. Mary French
3. Lynda
4. Jennifer Walsh
5. Michell Ruff
6. Ashley Johnson
7. Wendi Riggens-Miller
8. Picture Infinity Studio's

Monday, August 20, 2007

Macro Monday!

Sorry this is going up later than usual, but we were away on a camping trip and just got situated. I didn't forget!

Since nobody guessed last week's cooler correctly, I'll give you a break this week and post up an easy one. Have fun!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Punks At The Park

I've been itching to get out and take some shots lately, but have been so busy that I really haven't had the time, so this morning Junior and I decided to take the boys to the park. I was determined to shoot something, anything... I also wanted to use my much neglected 50 mm f/1.4 lens.

Yes, yes, I did take pictures of the kids. Have some patience, will you? I had to get creative first.

The kids.

This one makes me giggle.

This is what I got when I told them to make funny faces. Hehe.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Fun With Shellfish

So last night was The Youngest's lobster Alfredo dinner. Since he loves to help his father cook, I couldn't resist documenting the occasion.
Here he is in the garage getting them out of the fridge. At this point we don't realize he's slightly scared of them.

Taking close-ups while The Husband tries to convince The Youngest that they're not going to pinch him because they're dead.

This is how he resorts to proving his point.

Starting to realize that the lobsters really aren't a threat to them, The Youngest and The Future Mrs. Walsh decide to use their antennae as straws. Doesn't everyone?

After coming out of antennae sucking alive they finally decide it's safe to pick them up.

Finally, after all the fun and games concluded, The Husband started preparing the meal. It was delicious, by the way. (And thanks to Thelma's Mom for the homemade rolls!)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

He's 5!

Happy Birthday to The Youngest, who turned 5 today! I can't believe how time flies, and that he will be starting kindergarten this fall!

Here is a picture of him with his gift from us. He spotted this sign a couple of weekends ago while we were camping and asked if he could have it. How could we refuse when it was so close to his Birthday and he's got the perfect wall for it?

Later on his Best Friend and Future Wife will be coming over to join us for a play date and then dinner. The Husband always cooks the kids whatever they request for their Birthday dinner, and The Youngest requested lobster alfredo. I can't wait to see his face when he sees the lobsters!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Macro Monday!

Welcome to the first edition of Macro Monday! You all know how to play (and I expect you lurker's to join in the fun). As long as more than 1 or 2 people are playing I will continue to give out monthly prizes. This month I will award the lucky winner a $10 itunes gift card!

The Party

Saturday we had a combined Birthday party for the boys, since their Birthday's are only 6 days apart. We were blessed with beautiful weather for swimming and hanging out, and the boys had a wonderful time. Thank you to all who were able to make it!

The Oldest decided to go shirtless for his pictures.

The Youngest sporting the Real Conductor's Hat that Thelma and her family got him. He wore it to Target yesterday, along with his Thomas t-shirt, shorts and his Army rain boots. I wish I'd taken a picture to show you.

Our friend Chris made their cakes. Didn't she do a wonderful job? If it wasn't for her they would've had an ice cream cake from the store. Baking is so not my thing.

My Sister-In-Law made these yummy cheeseburger cookies that have become somewhat of a tradition at the boys' party. Aren't they the cutest cookies you've ever seen? While I was taking their picture Chris' husband asked if they were going to be the subject of "Macro Monday"...totally outing himself as a "non-guesser". Let's see if he plays this week!