Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
8:03 AM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
1:37 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
If Ever A Wonderful Wiz There Was
I never used to be a gadget nerd, although I do have a brother that's one, so it may run in the family. But I've found that it's sort of a necessary part of being a photographer. I mean, not only do we have to make a million decisions when it comes to choosing cameras and lenses, but the same goes for flash heads, computers, software, tripod heads, etc., etc.
So I've gone over to the dark side. You can ask The Husband...I love it there. I couldn't function without my Treo, and I even have an electronic water bottle that keeps track of how much I drink.
With all the constant purchasing/upgrading of the aforementioned stuff, it becomes tempting to cheap out whenever the opportunity presents itself. That was how I ended up with ebay radio transmitters for triggering off camera flash.
They don't work well.

Posted by
Lisa Walsh
6:24 PM
"F" day should've been easy. I had the support of the whole fam, and we had 2 waterfalls that start with "F" on our list, but it wasn't meant to be. Saturday was a bright blue sky with no clouds, and I just didn't have the tools I need to shoot a waterfall in bright sunlight. I was bummed, but we decided to kill some time and wait for the sun to get a little lower in the sky before heading over to Fillmore Glenn.
Since we were over in Lansing we stopped at my favorite place on Earth for a burger, Rogues Harbor. If you're ever in the area, stop in and order a Rogues Burger. You'll thank me.
The light was perfect when we arrived at Fillmore Glenn, only to find the falls barricaded due to the ice. It just wasn't my day! Here's my "F" picture...my shadow in front of the barricade. Look how long and lean my legs are from all those spinning classes, lol!

Posted by
Lisa Walsh
8:50 AM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Technical Stuff
Just a head's up that my website will be down at some point towards the end of this week. My hosting company is moving to a new location, and they've promised to get everything back up as quickly as possible. However, it looks like it could be offline for up to 48 hours. I'm assuming that means my email won't be working, either, so if you need to contact me please call or email me at lwalshphotography@yahoo.com in the meantime.
Since Blogger host's my blog all should be fine here.
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
5:03 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
In an effort to force me to come up with something to photograph during this yucky, muddy time of year, I suggested to my online photographer buddies that we do a 30 day challenge again. We'd done this before, almost 2 years ago. Some of you might remember that it was a self-portrait challenge (unfortunately in a moment of psychosis I deleted the old blog so I can't link to it, but the photo of me on my website and blog is one of them.)
Anyway, someone came up with the idea of doing an alphabet challenge. That's a good thing, because I was dreading the idea of taking my picture again every day, lol! So, this challenge will be 26 days long. We've decided the subject doesn't have to start with the letter, that it's open to interpretation. For example, I could file a picture of Murphy under "D" for dog, "M" for Murph...you get the idea.
I started collecting old camera's a year or so ago, so this is my "A" shot.
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
5:38 AM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Macro Monday
It's been a busy day! The Husband is back to work for the first time in a week, and he had to work at the gym this morning at 5:30, so it was kind of weird waking up and having him gone. I'm hoping being back to work doesn't slow down the healing process.
I've also got Thelma's girls here, and it's a refreshing change of pace to have "All Girl's Day". Thelma's youngest just turned 2, so I did her session this morning, which is why I'm posting a little late. Tune in tomorrow or Wednesday for pictures from her session.
Today's shot is pretty obvious, so there's not really any guessing required. I took this over the weekend and just thought it was interesting. Great job with last week's photograph...just when I think I'm gonna stump you the first person to guess nails it! What do I know?
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
1:32 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Road Not Plowed Or Sanded
I was feeling a little antsy this morning, and The Husband, after leaving the house this week for medical reasons only, said he wouldn't mind riding along if I felt like searching for photo opportunities. So we decided to go explore one of our local waterfalls.

As the cow's get a little too close for comfort, I can't help but wonder what my city-boy Husband is thinking. This just doesn't happen in Brooklyn. I decided to retreat to the safety of the Nitro, realizing the fun's about to end.
Off they go down the road, causing confusion and delay.
The show's over. I'm laughing hysterically and The Husband's trying not to as he's taking this picture...it sends him into coughing fits.
We finally made it to our destination.
I loved how the light was shining through all of the rain drops in this picture.
You can't tell from this picture, but this hill is fairly steep. As I was working my way down it I was mentally adding up the value of the camera equipment I was carrying. There is a layer of ice in places, and we decided it just wasn't worth it to go any further. You weren't expecting to see waterfall pictures, were you?
We continued on our explore, driving down towards a lake in hopes of getting some water pictures. I completely ignored the sign that said "Seasonal use highway", despite The Husband's warnings.
You know where this is going, don't you?
Do you know how it feels to get your vehicle stuck in the snow in the middle of nowhere, with your husband getting over his (probable) pneumonia and a 5 year-old in the backseat? It's not a good feeling, trust me. Assuming there was no cell phone service, I decided to walk up the road to the nearest house, and hope someone was home to call a tow truck. I met Mr. Nelson, a man's man with 4wd Silverado. He offered to take a look.
It wasn't pretty. If I'd stayed stuck where I was the first time, he'd have been able to get me out. But in an effort to get myself out of my mess I'd driven farther down the road (since I couldn't reverse) hoping to find somewhere to turn around. It was no use...when I got this far I knew that even if I could turn around, I didn't have a snowball's chance in you-know-where of getting back up.
So Mr. Nelson took me back to his house to get a shovel and call for that tow truck after all. As luck would have it, I picked the one day to get stuck that the tow truck driver's don't answer their phones, so Mr. Nelson moved on to Plan B.
Please take a moment to notice that there's not one, but two trucks pulling us out. That's right, Mr. Nelson called in backup. We were so thankful for the help we made him take some money for his efforts, and he promised they'd have a beer on us. Somewhere tonight there's a couple of good guys laughing at my expense.
The Husband made me stop so he could further document my stupidity. Whatever.
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
3:19 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Happy Birthday!
Today is The Husband's birthday! I feel bad because he's been sick with the flu (and now bronchitis) for a week. Yesterday we spent the morning at the Dr.'s and got him some antibiotics, but he still can't breathe and was up most of the night. I've never seen him this sick and I was really hoping he'd feel better before his birthday rolled around!
Happy Birthday, honey! I hope you feel better soon!
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
7:09 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Macro Monday!
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
9:31 AM
Friday, March 7, 2008
Think Pink
I am so very blessed to be able to make a living doing what I love! And although business is booming and life is good, I felt like there was some way I could use my photography as a way to give back.
I found Think Pink Photography through one of my Photographer friends, took a look at their site, and signed up immidiately. As a participating Photographer, I will offer complimentary sessions and 4x6 prints to women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer or have completed treatment within the past 12 months. My family has been affected by breast cancer, so this cause is close to my heart. I am honored to be one of the few Photographer's in NY who are a part of this organization.
Please take a look at the site and pass on the link to anyone you know who could benefit from a session.
Think Pink Photography.
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
8:22 AM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
I'm A Loser, Baby...
but I'm not the "biggest" loser. The Husband and I had our final weigh-in yesterday and he lost a greater percentage of body weight than I did. (If I'd lost a couple more pounds I would've had him.)
Congratulations on winning the challenge, honey!
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
9:12 AM