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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ms. Muffett

You know that nursery rhyme from childhood? The one where Ms. Muffett was minding her own business and that nasty old spider came along and scared the you-know-what out of her? I was thinking about it the other day. It all started when I went to make my afternoon pot of coffee...

It was Tuesday, to be exact. Like I do every afternoon around 3:30, I opened up the lid to the water reservoir. It was then that I found a Daddy Long Leg inside, web and all.

I don't think mortified even begins to describe how I felt. I thought I was going to be sick. How long was it in there?? I had programmed that morning's pot the night before. That meant it had been almost 24 hours since I'd last put water in there. I pictured that arachnid crawling inside there and laying eggs while we were sleeping. I told The Husband if we drank out of it we would certainly end up with little spider-babies crawling around inside us and he would be THE ORIGINAL Spider Man. I made it quite clear there was no way I was drinking coffee out of that machine ever again.

Enter the Pioneer Woman. Some of you may remember that I had entered one of her contests to win a fabulous coffee maker. Remember me posting about being mentioned on her blog? The coffee maker she had previously was the same one our spider decided to make a home in. She'd replaced it with a Keurig and raved about it so much that I decided when it was time to replace ours we'd try one, too.

So after convincing The Husband we would turn into web-slinging freaks if we drank out of it again, even after cleaning it 4 times with vinegar, I ordered a new coffee maker and paid for overnight shipping.

That was Tuesday. Today our brand-new, state-of-the-art piece of heaven still hadn't arrived. After a quick call to see what was up, I was informed that it was on back order and wouldn't be here until the middle of May. The Husband would surely kill me if I continued to request a Dunkin' Donuts delivery every morning before 7:00 am until it arrived. Something had to be done. I tried every online store I could find, and none of them had the model I wanted in stock. I was this close to buying a more expensive model when Thelma, God Bless that wonderful brain of hers, suggested that I might find it at Bed, Bath and Beyond.

And we did.

The one-cup-at-a-time thing is going to take some getting used to, but I think I'm going to love this thing. Even The Oldest, who doesn't even drink coffee, was impressed with it's trendy design. A big thank you to The Pioneer Woman for telling us all about it on her blog, and to Thelma for being so darn clever! Not only did she save us money, she freed The Husband from Early Morning Caffeine Delivery.

Now if we could get Woody to stop pecking on the chimney every morning at 6:00 am...

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