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Monday, September 24, 2007

Saying Goodbye

After months of deliberation, waiting to close, hemming and hawing, more waiting, repairs and waiting, we have finally decided to trade in my truck, affectionately referred to by me as "Big Blue".

We've been discussing it seriously since spring when gas prices skyrocketed. Big Blue gets a very reliable average of 11 mpg. Needless to say, it's hurt our pocketbook. To top it off it's had some mechanical issues that we thought were taken care of, but realized this weekend weren't. It's time to say goodbye.

Now, I'm the first to admit I've gone through more than my fair share of vehicles since The Husband and I met. I've already come clean about my inability to commit to them. When we met I was driving a Pontiac Sunbird. Since then I've had 3 Ram trucks, a Dodge Intrepid, Dodge Avenger, Pontiac Grand Am and a Dodge Stratus. I always have a list of "next" vehicles in my head.

Based on my past history you'd think I'd be thrilled to pick up my new ride tomorrow afternoon, but in reality I'm kind of in shock. I can't believe that we finally decided we've had enough with repairs and pricey tanks of gas, and I can't believe I won't have a truck, but in the end I think I'll be happy with my new _____________.

Can you guess what I'll be driving? The first person to guess correctly will win a $10 gift card to my favorite coffee joint. Contest ends Tuesday at 5 pm Eastern time. Not valid for people with whom I've already shared or family members who they may have told. Good luck!


Amy Benzenhafer said...

1st of all.... WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?

then - my answer... a Jeep.

Lisa Walsh said...

Lol! What do you mean WHAT? Is it because I'm leaving the truck club?

Not a Jeep. A Dodge _______.

Amy Benzenhafer said...

Where are we going to put our guns? LOL

That's ok - I know you are a truck girl at heart!

A dodge - charger?

Lisa Walsh said...

LOL!!!! I know, I'm having a hard time adjusting to the fact that I won't have a truck anymore. :( I think I'll be ok once I pick up the new ride.

No, not a charger...but it WAS on my list!

Amy Benzenhafer said...

So I guess I am the only one playing this game...

Anonymous said...

I saw the husband yesterday and tried to get it out of him. He wouldn't budge! Darn him.
