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Monday, October 1, 2007

More Sports!

Saturday morning The Oldest had a cross country meet in Tully. It was a great spot for a meet from a parent's perspective. The high school is right next to the elementary, which has the best playground I think I've ever seen. Thelma and her family along with The Youngest's Godfather and his family all came to support The Oldest, and we were able to let the kids play on the playground while we waited for The Oldest at the last leg of the race.

He came in 92nd out of 174 and improved his time by almost a minute over the previous Wednesday's meet, thanks in part to some antibiotics for his infected toe. (I spared you all that story).

After a brief stop home for lunch and a quick nap for the kids, Thelma and I headed over to the boys' rugby game in the afternoon. They played at home against Rochester and were tied until Rochester scored in the final seconds of the game.

I took this shot of Thelma and her youngest during a lull in the action. I just love the way the light is falling on them.

Finally, a 2 shot sequence.


Jim, "Homer" said...

Your action shots are getting so much better. I really like that last rugby shot. Great capture. Your husband and his team mates have to really love the shots your getting.

Lisa Walsh said...

Aww, thanks Homer! You know you're my sports action hero, don't you? I love seeing your work. (If you haven't already, click on his name to see what I mean).

The boys are using some shots on their website, so I'm getting a lot of feedback. They seem to have kicked up the action a notch for me!

Anonymous said...

NICE! What lens are you using for these?

Lisa Walsh said...

Thanks Jules! :) I'm using everyone's favorite standby...the 70-200L IS. I don't get much when they're on the other side of the field, especially since I'm shooting FF, but it's not too shabby when they're close!