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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Photo Purses

I've been wanting to offer photo purses to my clients for some time, and after some research I finally found a company who offers them at reasonable prices. Thelma was my guniea pig this time around, and she picked the small bucket bag. The pictures are printed right onto the fabric. I absolutely LOVE it and thought about keeping it for myself, except that everyone would compliment me on my beautiful girls, lol!

A close-up of the bag.


Amy Benzenhafer said...

wow!!!!! Awesome purse, awesome photographs!

Lisa Walsh said...

Thanks Amy! That purse is beautiful! I'd actually ordered one for myself with a collage on both sides, but when I took hers out of the box it blew mine away! I immidiately ordered myself a different bag, lol.

And I'm so proud of myself...I shot the pictures of the purse in RAW! (My first time.)

Jennifer of VanSuydam Photographers said...

Beautiful. I love it.

Jen said...

You shot in the raw? I mean, you shot RAW? :-)'ll never go back!

The purse looks awesome!

Backroads by Lynda the blog said...

Love the purses, they totally ROCK!