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Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Yep. Woke up this morning and the thermostat read 58 degrees. There's nothing quite like repairing a furnace a mere 4 days after closing on a house. Why couldn't it have waited until Saturday, after our brand spankin' new fireplace insert was here?


Anonymous said...

Let's compare house horror stories over a BIG bottle of wine or shots your choice.....aaahh!

Jennifer of VanSuydam Photographers said...

Hi Lisa! How are you able to post such large images on your blog? :)

Lisa Walsh said...

Hey Jennifer! First you have to make sure your margins will support it. (Go to the template and change the settings). Then you have to change the html code when you upload the images. If you need more help shoot me an email at and I'll try to help.

Stacey J. said...

Holy cow Lisa, hope your wearing sweaters!!! Love the logo and congrats on the house....that's so great!!