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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Horsin' Around

It's been weeks since I last wandered aimlessly around town with my camera. Since we closed on the house we've been doing home improvement projects that were on hold, and I just haven't had time to get out. It really is a stress reliever for me, so I'm making it my mission to take some time in the next few days to get out and shoot!

This was taken the last time I was out. I was hoping to take pictures of the fall foliage, but at the time most of the leaves still hadn't turned color yet. I happened to see this horse while driving on a road that wound through miles of state forest, so I stopped, introduced myself and told her I could make her famous if she let me shoot her. (The Husband can attest to that). I explained my philosophy of "lifestyle portraiture", where the subjects are relaxed, not posed, and act as if the camera isn't there while I shoot away.

As you can see, she totally understood what I was going for.


Jim, "Homer" said...

Very nice Lisa, I really like the composition with this.

Jennifer of VanSuydam Photographers said...

Haha, you're so funny. What a beautiful mare. I was the horse-craziest little girl... I still am, at heart, but I know that I don't have the time to care for a horse right now. Patrick and I would both love to have a rescue/retirement farm someday, though. :)