Macro Monday!
I have some big ideas in store for 2008, so stay tuned!
Happy New Year!
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Posted by
Lisa Walsh
8:43 AM
I'll be taking a few days off from the blog to spend time with family.
Happy Holidays!
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
7:42 AM
I'm sorry I kept you waiting, but I thought it was appropriate to save these pictures for a Christmas Eve blog post. I'm sure you'll forgive me.
I've already told you how cold it was the night we arrived. It was so cold, in fact, that The Youngest didn't even want to get out of the car and have his picture taken with the train. The Husband and I were dumbfounded...and then I made him sit for these pictures anyway.
They were taken with available light and no tripod, which is why they're dark and moody.
Bed jumping in the hotel. I'm a bad influence.
The front page of the local paper the day of the Polar Express ride. The ride had been sold out but a good number of passengers failed to show up. We, however, were first in line to pick up our tickets due to a 12:00 PM checkout and nothing else to do.
The train station was restored in...1980 I think the sign said? It was beautiful!
Yeah, only one punch in the ticket. Bummer.
Santa boarded the train halfway through and gave each child a bell off of his sleigh. (And sat for pictures, of course)!
I want to wish all of my friends, family and couple's a very merry Christmas and I can't wait to see you all in the new year! God bless!
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
1:34 PM
And a Polar Express preview for those of you who are patiently waiting. :)
The Youngest has made a friend. Awww.
The long anticipated images from The Husband. You'll notice the pictures are much clearer than mine. That's because he's not shooting through the net like I am. That's the Wedding Photographer in me...I don't want to step foot on the field because I'm afraid I'll be too distracting, so I'm content to sit behind everyone on the bleachers. The Husband, on the other hand, has no qualms about getting right out there to get the shot. Good work, honey!
A pitch black shot of the Polar Express. Can you see a little bit of face underneath their hoods? It was sooooo cold out there that most of my shots were a little blurry from my body shivering!
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
9:40 AM
Wait for it to'll be ROFLYAO!
Click here.
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
12:45 PM
Here's a few from Saturday morning's session with the boys. It literally lasted 15 minutes! I want kids to have fun during these sessions so as long as they stay in one place I'm not too picky about facial expressions. Of couse I'll try to get them both looking at the camera with nice smiles if possible, but I'm not going to stress them out over it! Dad came in after a few minutes and was behind me doing...well...I don't know what he was doing, but they thought it was funny!
I love tounge pictures! They always crack me up!
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
11:50 AM
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
1:19 PM
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
8:02 AM
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
3:27 PM
It's that time of year again...Christmas card season. Sometime in the middle of November I realize I need to come up with and idea for our card. This year, as hard as I tried to formulate a plan, the best I came up with ahead of time was to buy the boys not-quite-matching sweaters. One night while The Husband was working late I threw them in front of a white backdrop with said sweaters on and told them we were taking the Christmas card picture.
Now, normally I would show you the best couple of pictures. As a Photographer it's my job to portray subjects in the most flattering way possible. But when I was going through the pictures I decided I was going to do a blog post with the ones that normally wouldn't make it.
Here they are!
What on earth is up with The Youngest's eyes??
Poor Murph.
Taking a break from all of the seriousness.
For Heaven's sake, what is he doing with his mouth?
This one makes me smile, but in the end we chose an even cuter picture.
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
7:21 PM
On the way back Bob started a snowball fight with Maria.
When we arrived at the park we were greeted by two snowpeople. (I prefer to think it was a couple enjoying a nice winter afternoon). I thought about asking Bob and Maria to pose with them, but I thought they'd think I was nuts, so I decided to ask them on the way back. I figured by then they'd know I was nuts and do anything I'd asked. By the time we got back some vandals had decapitated the snowcouple. I mentioned that I'd thought about taking their picture with them and Maria confessed she'd had exactly the same idea but she didn't want me to think she was nuts! So Bob graciously fixed one of the snowpeople so we could take this picture.
Maria asked me to take a picture like this because this is how they hang at home.
Warming up inside with a glass of wine.
Last but not least, Queen Maria on her throne of ice! Thanks for the great time you two!
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
2:55 PM
Labels: Engagement sessions
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
7:59 PM
Posted by
Lisa Walsh
8:15 AM