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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Makin' Progress

Matt & Bob have been workin' hard all week, and it's soooo exciting to see our plan come together. With a few changes. And some changin' back, lol. Thank God they're patient with me!

On Monday, while we were up picking out our slab for the counters, they removed the rough hewn logs that were holding up the wall and framed out the new opening. When I got home fromg the gym on Tuesday they'd removed the outside door that was across from where The Husband is standing in this picture.

Now, the original plan was to put a small piece of granite off the end of the counter (where that chair is sitting). Monday afternoon (before the door was gone) I'd decided that we should scrap that plan for space reasons and yesterday, after picturing that long wall with nothing on it, I added it back in again. Hey, I'm allowed to change my mind!

Oh, I think we're going with bamboo flooring in the kitchen/dining and family rooms. While I've been trying as much as possible to keep things "the way they would've been when the house was built", I'm always down with saving a tree. I like them in my landscape shots. :)

Moving on to the half bath/office/laundry room...

The Husband is (again) in charge of a good portion of the demo. I took these on Sunday and wrote all over them to aid in the visual. Isn't that sink ugly? And how 'bout those jelly jars over the light bulbs? Yuck.

On the other side of that wall (where that hole is) was my coat and shoe closet. I'm a little sad to loose it, but the closet in the master bedroom is seriously a room unto itself. I'll adjust.

Here's a view from the foyer. This was the closet and will now be the bathroom. You will see the cool new sink on that wall when you open the door. If you hang a left you will see a pair of doors on your right (the washer and dryer will be behind them) and the antique toilet that was here will be in it's original spot on the left under the stairs.

My Hot Husband...

This is what I love about an old house. Those beams are holding up the wall between the bathroom and my office. (Well, half of them are now, anyway). I have big plans for one of them and the rest will be saved for future projects.

1 comment:

Jennifer of VanSuydam Photographers said...

The Youngest looks so much like your husband!