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Monday, February 25, 2008

Phase One

Woo hoo! It's my 200th blog post! I apologize for slacking's really hard to concentrate/be creative/not be a stalker during a remodel! Thank God we did this now...I realize I could never get any work done if we remodeled during wedding season. Not only is it distracting to have people in and out all day, but keeping Murph from terrorizing them is a full time job in and of itself.

Anyway, I thought I'd share a picture of the bathroom vanity area. The vanity top is a 188 year-old board that was taken out of the wall to make room for the washer and dryer. We've made it a point to reuse as much of the material from the original structure as possible. We plan on installing a beam on the ceiling that came out of the kitchen wall, and we're reusing the flooring from the dining room in here as well. Later on there will be sides and a bottom shelf added to the vanity that are made out of the same boards from the wall.

I'll have better pictures of it later on, but Bob and Matt made that moulding around the doorways to match the trim in the rest of the house. Their attention to detail and enthusiasm for doing it was wonderful. They were here every day working, and are genuinely a couple of really nice guys. I highly recommend them to anyone who is considering remodeling.


Jennifer of VanSuydam Photographers said...

WoodWick candles are amazing!! They are one of the strongest-fragranced brands I've ever found. I love them! :)

Jen said...

I LOVE it!