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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Grandparent's Day

The Youngest's school held a performance for Grandparent's Day (I'm a little late putting these up.), and parent's were allowed to watch the dress rehearsal that morning. It was his very first performance, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world, especially since he didn't have any Grandparent's to attend. (Although we told him his Grandma & Grandpa Walsh would be watching up in heaven.)

The school had volunteer's come in for kid's that wouldn't have Grandparent's in attendance, and a gentleman named Mr. Manyano came in to hang out with The Youngest. I had the pleasure of meeting him and letting him know how much it meant to us that he was there for our child when I came to help serve refreshments after the performance.

Thank you Mr. Manyano for being The Youngest's Grandparent that day!


...kreuz und quer... said...

Hey, you photos are so emotional, really beautiful! Of this serie I like the second most.

Anonymous said...

Did he break into his air guitar routine at the mike? I would pay to see that happen. Excellent pictures, Wife, if a little late.
The Husband.