Tie Breaker!
Thank you to all of you who took the time to enter the "Name My Nav" contest! I had fun reading through all of the suggestions this weekend! A big thanks to those of you who took the time to give an explanation to go along with your suggestion.
Some were hard to resist. "Lola" (she did catch my eye), "Carmen" (what can I say? That one still makes me laugh) and "DeeDee" (yes, I do love me some D&D!) were all great entries. In the end, I was torn between the two that seemed to fit best: Tonya Arnold's "Lexie", which I would modify to "Alexis", and The Husband's "Hal-y", with a spelling change to "Halle".
Since I couldn't choose (this has to be an unbiased contest, after all) I went to the kids at different times so they wouldn't know how the other voted. It was a tie.
Why didn't I see that coming?
Now I need you all to break it. Please cast your vote for "Alexis" or "Halle" in the comments section. Whomever has the most votes by tomorrow morning will be the winner of a $10 Dunkin' Donuts gift card!
WOW! That is hard to choose. They are both great. I'm gonna have to go with Alexis!
You're on my list now Homewrecker! I was going to vote for myself, but then I realized even if I won the Wife would drink all of my winnings anyway. Therefore, I will withhold my vote.
The Husband
I vote for Halle.
I'm sorry "the husband". Please forgive me???
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