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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My Oasis

Our house has a side patio that has a view of the 1st green. The first time I saw it I knew that I would enjoy many cups of coffee in that room when the weather was nice. I imagined it would be a wonderful place to watch a thunderstorm or read a book when I wanted some well-deserved quiet time.

One of my favorite things to do is decorate the house. I love shopping for just the right pair of curtains or artwork or toilet paper holder. I strive to make the house comfortable enough for myself and all of the males that outnumber me, taking care to avoid flower-y towels and homemade doilies and such.

But my vision for the porch was so shabby-chic.

I could not pass up the pink flower-y curtains at Target, even though they were a budget-breaker. As hard as I tried I couldn't force myself to return them to the shelf where I found them. They were completely unlike anything else in our home, not to mention utterly feminine.

The Husband hated them, and the pink fuzzy body pillow I bought as well. Little did he know it was all part of my evil plan to have Uninterrupted Girl Time.

It didn't work. The next morning The Youngest came down while I was quietly savoring my morning cup o' joe. He was so excited you'd have thought I'd decorated it wall-to-wall with train memorabilia. The curtains were his favorite part. Go figure.

So this morning he asked me if he could go in the "Morning Room" with his little buddy, and I said yes, 'cuz by now I know there's no way it's ever going to be my sanctuary.

What's It Wednesday

Congratulations to Jen from JoNa Photography, and The Husband's 3rd and 4th period classes for finally identifying the mailbox! All of you will be entered into the drawing for the McDonald's Arch card. Remember, this is your last week to enter for this month's drawing. It's time for all you lurkers to jump in!

Good luck!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

It's Good To Be Home

Last week Thelma asked us if we'd like to get the familie's together to go camping over the Holiday weekend. The Husband and I had been working our tails off in the yard, trying to keep up with the "Country Club". (We don't live next to the "Jones'", the Country Club surrounds us on 3 sides). We were torn between taking a break and continuing to whip our yard into shape, but in the end we decided to take a break.

So Friday afternoon Thelma and I made a list of things we would need. I was up early Saturday morning, religiously checking the list and marking things off. It mostly consisted of food items, so I was on my own as far as clothing was concerned. With only a few sips of coffee in my system I packed for myself and The Youngest, figuring The Husband and The Oldest could get themselves ready. On my way out the door I grabbed Junior and a couple of lenses to document the occasion.

I forgot the battery for the camera.

And a book.

I also forgot underwear for The Youngest.

I did remember everything on the list.

Needless to say, after an entire weekend of being unable to take pictures due to my stupidity, I was itching to get up this morning and shoot some of the flowers that are blooming in our yard.

Did you know that chives flower?

Here's a peony. I just love them and the former owner planted them all over the property. I can't wait 'till they open up!

And here's a...umm...I have no idea what this is. I think it's pretty funky, though.

Not a clue what this one is, either, but I think it's lovely.

This one's a tree. Again, no idea what kind. If you know, please share!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy Birthday! And A Photo Session

Today is Shirley's Birthday, and I wanted to take this opportunity to wish her a very happy one!

Yesterday I had a photo shoot with "J", who is Thelma's oldest daughter. Thelma was a client before she ever became my Soul Sister and Partner-In-Crime, and it's been amazing to see the difference in "J's" pictures from year to year.

Since she loves to have their pictures taken outdoors, Thelma suggested a local park where there is a beautiful row of trees. It was just perfect as it was very sunny when we arrived and the trees provided some nice shade.

Everything was going swimmingly until her little sister decided she wanted to be in the pictures, too...

As hard as she tried, she couldn't get her sister to go away. I thought this picture was hilarious!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What's It Wednesday

In light of the fact that there have been no correct guesses for the last 2 weeks, I have decided to post another shot I took of last week's subject. (Really it's because between Woody pecking every morning at 5 am, yardwork, Mom stuff and being a Landlord I didn't have a moment to devote to getting a new image).

So here ya go! I think this will help you figure it out for sure!

Monday, May 21, 2007

A Hint

In light of the fact that there were no correct guesses for last week's "What's It Wednesday", and that nobody has correctly guessed this week's photo, either, I'm going to take pity on you. (Plus, it's no fun if I can't give out a prize to someone). So....

The subject of this week's photo has braved the elements.

I hope that helps, now get guessin'!

An Awesome Couple

Saturday morning I met with Maria & Christopher, a couple from 2006. They had purchased a CD of their wedding images and we were meeting at Ithaca Bakery so I could deliver it to them in person. I don't usually bring The Husband or The Youngest with me to these meetings, much less both of them, but we had some errands to run while we were over that way, so they tagged along.

Admittedly, it doesn't take more than a minute to hand over a CD, but we decided to get some coffee and hang out for a bit, and I'm so glad we did! I learned so much about them on Saturday and came away knowing that I want to learn that much about all of my couples before I ever break out the camera. In the past my consultations with potential clients has been all business, and thanks to my meeting with Maria & Christopher I have a whole new outlook. From now on I will be taking a more laid-back approach from the beginning, allowing me to get to know my future clients better as a couple right from the start.

Here are a few images from Maria & Christopher's wedding. I wish you both the best!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Why, Woody? Why?

I am convinced that we have the craziest birds in Cortland. Granted, I haven't seen the Cardinal much since the snow melted and we moved the driveway to the other side of the house. Every now and again I see him flying around, but he's ceased hanging out on the mirrors of our vehicles or admiring his beauty in my chrome bumper. It makes me kind of sad, actually.

But about the time our vain Cardinal got himself a life, Woody came to town. He made a seemingly perfect hole in one of our trees and we often see him hanging out there. However, in the past 24 hours he has again taking a strong liking to the chimney of our wood stove. Does he think it's a petrified tree? Does he think there's food inside it? Why does he keep pounding away when he already has a hole? Is he lost?

For a while, after I told you about him the first time, he would come by around 6 am, (much to The Husband's annoyance) peck for a while and then leave, maybe returning once or twice during the day. Yesterday, however, he pecked at that damn chimney all day. I'd been trying to burn a CD for Maria & Christopher and I just couldn't get it to work. After 5 hours of unsuccessful CD burning and Woody's constant knocking I thought I was going to loose my mind.

You can imagine my annoyance when, at 5:17 this morning, Woody was back for more. I managed to doze off and on for a couple of hours before I finally gave in and took his picture.
And in case you're wondering, he's still at it.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

My sister-in-law and her husband are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary today! 10 years is a milestone that we couldn't let go unnoticed, so Happy Anniversary you two!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What's It Wednesday!

Looks like I stumped you all with last week's shot of the inside of my toaster oven. I thought for sure some Pop Tart addict would come along and get it in a heartbeat, but I guess I was wrong. Thelma was close with her "broiler grate" guess, though. Here is a wider shot for your viewing pleasure. Please excuse the crumbs, I did not take the time to clean it first.

This week's shot has been played with in Photoshop. If I left it's color unaltered I think it would be too easy, so I enhanced it a bit. It is my mission, after all, to get your neurons firing on a rainy Wednesday morning. The original color has not been changed. I will need you to give a specific item here (The Husband just came in and said "a metal object of some kind").

As always, all correct guesses will be entered into the drawing for this months prize...a McDonald's Arch card! Good luck!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

Yesterday the boys and I went hiking at Beaver Lake Nature Center. Sarah Antonio had told me about it a few weeks ago, and since we're always looking for someplace new and different, we decided to go check it out.

All told we hiked about 3.6 miles. Here are a few images from the trip. Happy belated Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I'm In Heaven!

Last night I had the pleasure of sitting down and talking with Amy & Bob, who are getting married in July. I shot Amy's brother's wedding a couple of years ago and had sat with her and her family at the reception. I always get nervous meeting new people, but I couldn't have sat with a nicer group. I was honored when Amy's mom called and said she wanted me to be there for Amy's special day as well!

In the 2 years that have passed since Amy's brother's wedding I've changed the way I approach weddings. I want to veer away from shooting formals on the altar of the church. I want my images to be hip, fun and exciting! I was nervous about what Amy and Bob would want. After all, when I shot her brother's wedding I was still trying to get everyone to look at the camera.

Imagine my reaction when they told me they didn't want formals on the altar at the church, that they'd prefer they be "fun and different", and that they want more candids than anything! It's my dream come true! Amy & Bob have given me total artistic freedom where their photograph's are concerned, and they are the just the type of couple I want to work with in the future. They've even agreed to an engagement session (my first ever) the first weekend in June. We are going to have a blast!
I have an aversion to posting without pictures, and I didn't add one to yesterday's Ugly Chair Contest so I needed to find one for today. This is from a baseball game I shot earlier this week. I enjoy the challenge of shooting sporting events. I don't have a model release, so I cropped it down to the nitty-gritty. I just love the feeling of movement in this image.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Ugly Chair Contest

That's right! I've been looking for an ugly chair to use during photo sessions but haven't been able to find the right one, so I've decided to turn it into a contest. Here are the criteria:

1. It must be upholostered and intact (meaning it has the seat cushion, legs, etc.). A few rips should be fine.

2. It must be located within 45 miles of Cortland, NY.

3. It must be a chair, not a couch, love seat, etc.

4. It must be ugly!

It could be that awful chair your husband's had since college, the hideous one at Uncle Bob's, or that eyesore your neighbor has on their front porch. Please email a photograph of the chair with it's general location to Entries must be received by June 1st, 2007. The winner of the Ugly Chair Contest will be posted on the blog on June 2nd, and will receive a free 11x14 print of their choice from my blog or website!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

What's It Wednesday

Congratulations to Thelma and Nicki for figuring out that last week's shot was the tray to the water dispenser on a refrigerator! I honestly thought that one would've been harder to guess, but it seems like whenever I think that someone gets it right away! Since the full shot looks exaactly the same as the cropped version, I'm not going to bother posting it this week.

Since the voting for May's prize is tied I'm going to give it another week. If you haven't already placed your vote, please do so by scrolling down to last Wednesday's post.

Let the guessing begin!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Tell Me Something!

This weekend I was especially antsy for something interesting to shoot. As it turns out, I spent most of yesterday shopping with a friend. To make up for it, I got up bright and early this morning and wandered around the yard.

Since I don't have much to say today, I'd love to hear your thoughts. I found a couple of new options for my logo this morning. One of them kinda looks like a cursive "L". Tell me if I should switch, tell me which image is your favorite and why, or tell me what you had for breakfast. I'm listening!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ms. Muffett

You know that nursery rhyme from childhood? The one where Ms. Muffett was minding her own business and that nasty old spider came along and scared the you-know-what out of her? I was thinking about it the other day. It all started when I went to make my afternoon pot of coffee...

It was Tuesday, to be exact. Like I do every afternoon around 3:30, I opened up the lid to the water reservoir. It was then that I found a Daddy Long Leg inside, web and all.

I don't think mortified even begins to describe how I felt. I thought I was going to be sick. How long was it in there?? I had programmed that morning's pot the night before. That meant it had been almost 24 hours since I'd last put water in there. I pictured that arachnid crawling inside there and laying eggs while we were sleeping. I told The Husband if we drank out of it we would certainly end up with little spider-babies crawling around inside us and he would be THE ORIGINAL Spider Man. I made it quite clear there was no way I was drinking coffee out of that machine ever again.

Enter the Pioneer Woman. Some of you may remember that I had entered one of her contests to win a fabulous coffee maker. Remember me posting about being mentioned on her blog? The coffee maker she had previously was the same one our spider decided to make a home in. She'd replaced it with a Keurig and raved about it so much that I decided when it was time to replace ours we'd try one, too.

So after convincing The Husband we would turn into web-slinging freaks if we drank out of it again, even after cleaning it 4 times with vinegar, I ordered a new coffee maker and paid for overnight shipping.

That was Tuesday. Today our brand-new, state-of-the-art piece of heaven still hadn't arrived. After a quick call to see what was up, I was informed that it was on back order and wouldn't be here until the middle of May. The Husband would surely kill me if I continued to request a Dunkin' Donuts delivery every morning before 7:00 am until it arrived. Something had to be done. I tried every online store I could find, and none of them had the model I wanted in stock. I was this close to buying a more expensive model when Thelma, God Bless that wonderful brain of hers, suggested that I might find it at Bed, Bath and Beyond.

And we did.

The one-cup-at-a-time thing is going to take some getting used to, but I think I'm going to love this thing. Even The Oldest, who doesn't even drink coffee, was impressed with it's trendy design. A big thank you to The Pioneer Woman for telling us all about it on her blog, and to Thelma for being so darn clever! Not only did she save us money, she freed The Husband from Early Morning Caffeine Delivery.

Now if we could get Woody to stop pecking on the chimney every morning at 6:00 am...

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

What's It Wednesday

It's Wednesday, Luna!

Wow! Chayil not only correctly guessed that last week's shot was toilet paper, she even got the brand right! Very impressive, Chayil!

The names of the April winners were thrown into a hat from which The Oldest pulled out Leann's name. Congratulations, Leann! Email me your info so I can get that Dunkin' Donuts gift card out to you.

I think I may stump you with this week's shot, so I will give a hint at some point if need be. Let's see if we can break our record for guesses this week... give a shout out to the person in the cubicle next door so they can play, too!

Vote for May's prize here:

What should May's prize be?
McDonald's Arch card
Target gift card gift card
Free polls from

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Knock Knock

At 6:50 this morning, while pouring my first cup of coffee, I heard this incredibly loud banging. I was curious, but not so much that it interfered with my need for caffeine. While searching the fridge for creamer I heard it again. I looked in the other room and Murphy was just lying on the floor, not bothered at all by the sound, so I figured if he wasn't curious I'd get to it later. After all, I needed my coffee.

On the way to the spare fridge in the garage (still looking for the darn creamer) I heard it again and curiosity finally got the best of me. It sounded like something in the wood stove...pecking.

Now, we've had a Woodpecker pecking at one of our trees for the past couple of days. He'd fashioned a beautiful hole, if I do say so myself. Putting 2 and 2 together, it's dawning on my caffeine-deficient brain that he must've gotten himself stuck inside the chimney.

We had a bird in the wood stove about a month or so ago, so when I opened the wood stove I expected a woodpecker to come flying out at me. Nothing did. I could still hear the banging however, so I decided to rouse The Husband, who was ignoring all the commotion. Turns out Woody was outside after all, and didn't seem to care when I pointed a rather large lens at him and started shooting.