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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Macro Monday! Early!

You guys are a tough crowd! I must be the only blogger in history who can't give prizes away. :( I'm not going to hold it against you, though. In fact, I'm going to give my loyal reader's a few extra hours to figure out what this week's shot is. You're gonna need it!

Note: the object is lying on another object of a similar color.'s funny to me how some people can know a person so well when they've never met them in person. Amy (the Luna Vine) is like that with me. I think it has to do with the bond formed by women who drive trucks. (Or used to, before it had a mechanical meltdown). Whatever the reason, she knows with all her heart that I do not drink tea.

The Husband does, and I try my very best not to hold it against him. Back when I worked with at-risk boys I had a co-worker who drank tea. He also sat with his legs crossed and ate apple slices. He didn't last long.

So, yes, last week's shot was a tea bag. (And no, Husband, you don't get extra credit for knowing what kind of tea bag you purchased at Price Chopper).

Now please excuse me while I go make a cup of coffee...


Amy Benzenhafer said...

Haha! Trucks RULE!!!! :)
I think the Husband busted you on the instant coffee bag, though... lol

I was going to say this was a picture of your V slicer... but then re-read your "note"...

So I will be back to guess...

Anonymous said...

I come back everyday and look at this. I can't figure it out. You got me girl!


Anonymous said...

T.H. says its a comb. L.S. III doesn't feel like playing today.
Ms. Coyne is going to go with T.H.. The Husband will modify it a little and say the Wife's hair pick.
Stralem out!!!