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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Mini Golf

Sunday afternoon the Husband and I took the kids miniature golfing in appreciation of their stellar behavior during Aunt Sue's funeral and our approximately 13 hours in the truck. The Husband and I needed some down time after the drive, too, quite honestly. Bringing up the tail end of a funeral procession through Manhattan and out of the City when you don't know where you're going is enough to raise your blood pressure a few points!

The Oldest and I got a "hole-in-one"! (Notice the colors of the golf balls).

You can't tell from the picture, but The Youngest golf's a lot like Happy Gilmore!

I tried to get creative with this one. It's really hard to take pictures while mini-golfing, FYI. I forgot my flash for fill, and I had to hurry to keep things moving while also making sure that The Youngest was playing fair. (He kept trying to pick his ball up and move it).

I don't think The Husband's a big fan of this shot.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Who won?

p.s. It's Wednesday EST...where's the WIW? ;-) I thought I would try and get a head start on the early risers.