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Monday, December 8, 2008

Now They're Drinking My Pepsi, Too

I didn't blog about the mouse that ate my Doritos, mostly because I'm trying to keep the blog posts without pictures to a minimum, and, well, I felt it would be in bad taste to include one. Even though I totally could've taken one.

It all started a few weeks ago when The Oldest was having a friend over. The friend was going to be here for dinner, and being the cool Mom that I am, I decided we'd have pizza for dinner. (Because it's one of the few things I can make myself, and Hot Husband had to work late that evening.) So I dragged the kids out to the grocery store to pick up the stuff we needed, and I happened to see that Doritos were on sale. 3 for $10. Nothing goes with pizza like Doritos, so we picked out 3 bags. And some Pepsi.

About a week later we were looking for football munchies, and I remembered there were still 2 bags of Doritos left in the butler's pantry, so I went and grabbed one. We'd been munching for more than a few minutes when I realized that something had chewed through the bag. Further investigation revealed that the other bag had been chewed through as well. I couldn't decide if I was more angry that I'd been eating out of one of the bags, or that I had to throw away almost $7 worth of my favorite chips. I was not a happy camper.

I kid you not, the very next morning I headed into the guest bath and found a dead mouse floating in the toilet! True story. I can't make this stuff up, people! I have no idea how it could've gotten in there, but I was happy to let him know that what goes around, comes around. The whole thing's kind of a mystery. If he could get himself into the toilet, why couldn't he get himself out? Why was he in there in the first place? Was he thirsty after eating all of our chips? Did he just want to go for a swim?

The incident was mostly forgotten about until yesterday. I was in the kitchen when Hot Husband went out to the garage to put away empty bottles and can's that need to be returned. I heard "Hon, come and see this." There, lying belly-up in the midst of a bunch of Pepsi cans, was another dead mouse. Once again, I've refrained from taking a picture, lest my reader's start to think I'm some sort of freak. I'm not, but I can tell you it's one of the most hilarious sights I've ever seen. He looks so peaceful, like he's just thankful he had a drink of Pepsi before it was his time to go.

It doesn't solve the bigger question, though. Why are our mice suicidal?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jennifer & John

While most people were dealing with crowds and long lines on Black Friday, I had the pleasure of assisting my Photographer friend Sarah at Jennifer and John's wedding in Freehold, N.J. How fun is that?

When I arrived, Sarah told me I had free reign on the details. Since that's one of my favorite parts of the wedding day, I was psyched.

The shoes.

The dress.

Her gorgeous earrings.

John getting ready.

Jennifer's Bridesmaid's helping her get dressed.

The ceremony was held at the beautiful St. Robert Bellarmine Church. Here's her Dad walking her down the aisle.

I love how relaxed Jennifer looks in this shot.

The Bride and Groom at South Gate Manor, before being introduced as Mr. & Mrs.

Their first dance.

The guests joined in at the end.

Jennifer and John, thank you for letting me take part in documenting your special day! Your wedding was beautiful, and I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness! Sarah, thank you so much for inviting me to join you! I can't wait to do it again sometime.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Told You The Internet Hates Me

Yep. I mentioned in a recent post that I'd realized months worth of pictures weren't showing up on my blog, and I'd come to the conclusion that the internet had it out for me. I guess we've still got beef, because sometime on either Thanksgiving or Black Friday my blog was hacked. Stupid Hackers.

So this morning I had an emergency meeting with myself, and I've created an IT position if anyone would like to apply. I'd be happy to pay you in coffee beans.

Can I just say right now THANK GOD FOR BLOGGER!!! I mean, I keep breaking up with it, and yet it takes me back every time. So I'll be posting here yet again until I hire someone to un-hack my hacked Wordpress blog. I simply don't have time for this right now.

In other recent news, I'd like to say Happy Belated Thanksgiving. (My Happy Thanksgiving post was on my Wordpress blog. Did I mention that one was hacked?) Anyway, we're thankful that we still had a house to come home to. Getting a phone call from ADT while you're away for Thanksgiving, telling you that the smoke detector is going off in your attic and they've sent the Fire Department over, is not how I'd like to spend future Thanksgiving's. We're (obviously) also thankful for the Fire Department, and Hot Husband had fun meeting them last night when they were here again around dinner time. (I guess I should add that nothing was on fire either time.) It seems the attic smoke detector is working a little overtime this season. I hope you all had a less eventful holiday!