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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sleeping Beauty

The Youngest has started a disturbing trend.

For whatever reason, after The Husband tucks him into bed (or his floor, one of his favorite spots to sleep) he sneaks into our room, climbs in our bed and falls asleep there. Almost nightly we'll head upstairs to find him snoring away under the covers.

It disturbs me for several reasons. Many of you know that I'm very territorial when it comes to my bed. I make it up nice and pretty in the morning and then no one is allowed on it, much less in it. If The Husband has some free time and wants to take a quick nap, it needs to be done somewhere else, not in the bed. And I'm a firm believer that my children should sleep in their beds, not ours. It's one less person to hog the covers.

So the other evening, after I'd received some new lighting toys that I hadn't played with, we headed up to bed. There he was, all snuggled up and looking cute. I just couldn't resist the chance, so I gathered up my new equiptment and took a few pictures of Sleeping Beauty.

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