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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Changin' It Up

I couldn't let larger images be the only change to my blog, now could I? Yes, the header is new. Thank you for noticing. However, it's my brand spankin' new logo that's got me all excited! I actually use a wax seal on my packaging so I feel like this logo ties everything together nicely. So tell me whether or not you like it. As always I'm anxious to hear your thoughts. You won't hurt my feelings...if you love it I'll be thrilled, and if you don't I have ice cream waiting in the freezer. Either way I win, right??

This is what it'll look like on the black frame that surrounds my pictures.

And this is what it will look like on white:


Anonymous said...



Amy Benzenhafer said...

Love it love it love it!!!

Jennifer Walsh said...

Hey now Walshie!!! That is a pretty snappy last name and logo to boot! You go girlie!!

rowena said...

That's a very nicely designed album!