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Monday, September 3, 2007

Macro Monday!

I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that Thelma correctly guessed last week's image as a milk crate, got herself entered into the drawing for the itunes gift card, and won! Woohoo!

The bad news is that because of a lack of contestants playing I keep giving the prizes to the same 2 people. Because of that I have decided to stop awarding the gift cards for the time being. I know, I know, I'm bummed about it, too. Hopefully we'll get some of those lurker's to start participating and then I can start it up again.

Good luck with this week's image!


Amy Benzenhafer said...

Hey! I can't help that I never guess correctly!!!

Jen said...

I don't know my flower names but I am guessing the middle part of a flower.

Like this kind

Anonymous said...

Normally I would say a prickly flower....but I decided to go out on a limb and be wild.....thus my guess is....a really freaky orange hair brush.
Thelma :)

Anonymous said...

mid-evil torture device???


Anonymous said...

so i would guess but it would've been a hairbrush..looks like thelma and i are on the same wavelength. i'll keep thinking

Anonymous said...

D.H. and C.W. say its a squishy ball. T.H., M.S. says a flower. E.B. says bristles on a brush. Ms. Coyne declines to guess and the Husband will go with the flower.

Lisa Walsh said...

Wow, Shirley AND the Strale-dogs came out to play??? I feel so honored, lol!

Anonymous said...

B.D. says some thingy under water. T.H. guessed a flower... he thinks. B.D. wants to make make a second guess of a chew toy.

Amy Benzenhafer said...

I can't get the whole url in jona's post, so I don't know if I am guessing what someon has already guessed...

It is a purple cone flower (the center of it!)