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Monday, November 12, 2007


Peanut was born one month ago today, and it's been so much fun to watch her grow already. Not long after she was born I'd asked Shirley if she'd be willing to let me experiment with her every once-in-a-while. I don't get the opportunity to photograph many newborns, and I wanted to try some more unconventional shots. Shirley was willing to let me do whatever I wanted, so this morning I went over and spent a couple of hours with them.

I have a shot just like this where she's not crying, but I just like this one better for some reason. I guess it's because I'm one of those photographer's who doesn't spend the entire session trying to get kids to smile and look at the camera.

My Little Buddy being a good big brother.

My favorite. I knew I wanted to take Peanut's picture on this antique sideboard the moment she was born.

Thanks for being such a good sport Shirl! I really appreciate you letting me come over and have some fun with you guys.


Jen said...

Those are adorable Lisa! I just love the last one!

Stacey J. said...

The first one is great Lisa!