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Friday, June 22, 2007

How To Leave Some Love, 101...

Ever since I installed StatCounter I've been able to see exactly how many "lurkers" I have, which is a term for those of you who stop by to see what fascinating things I have to say, but don't leave a comment.

Before StatCounter I just assumed I was pouring my heart out to, like, 3 people. Now I know there's many more of you than that and I wonder to myself why you don't say "hi" while you're here. The other day it occurred to me that maybe you don't know how, so I'm going to walk you through it step-by-step.

1. Scroll to the end of the post and look for "comment" in pink (or green).
2. Click on it and a new window will open up.
3. You'll see the other comments on the left (if there are some) and a big box for you to type in on the right.
4. Compose a wonderful message in the box.
5. You don't have to sign up for an account! If you do, great, you'll have to log in. If not, you can leave an anonymous comment and just sign your name at the end of your fabulous message.
6. Click "publish your comment". That's it! You're done! I will receive an email notification, and after I verify that it's PG I will publish it.

So now that you know how, please introduce yourself and leave some blog love! Us "bloggers" appreciate knowing that people are actually reading all this stuff!


Janice said...

Hi there! I saw your blog through Roxy and Kai's and wanted to leave some blog love. Your photos are amazing! I love the Trash That Dress photoshoot. I've seen other photographers do that and I'll have to say, those are some brave brides!

I also wanted to ask you what kind of camera do you use and is there a particular favorite lens that you use? Thanks a lot!!

Lisa Walsh said...

Hi Janice! Thanks for stopping by! Sorry I didn't reply sooner, it's been a busy couple of days.

I use a Canon 1Ds and a 5D. My favorite lens is definitely my 24-70mm wide angle.