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Sunday, June 3, 2007


Yesterday I was supposed to have my first-ever engagement session (or E-Session). We were going to do it in downtown Syracuse, one of the reasons being that Amy wanted to have some pictures taken in one of the fountains. I was all for it, relieved that I wasn't going to have to come up with a way to talk them into it!

Alas, the City of Syracuse had different plans for June 2nd, they were hosting the annual Taste of Syracuse. After talking it over, Amy and I decided to reschedule for later this month. The Husband and I decided to go check it out, giving us a chance to taste some yummy food and me some time to scope out interesting locations.

But first, we had a Star Wars birthday party to attend.

This is our friend's oldest girl. Look at her whacking the Death Star pinata with one broken arm!

Here's the Birthday boy's little sister having a go at it.

The Husband showing our friend's youngest daughter how to fly her plane.

The Birthday Boy and The Youngest in a heated battle.

On to the Taste of Syracuse. This is The Youngest while a band played a cover of Guns-N-Roses "Sweet Child Of Mine". He has an aversion to loud noises.

Tasting his first organic hot dog.

Looks like The Husband swiped my camera at some point. I think this is to show off his messy face after he eats? Look at the ketchup on his nose.

I'm off in a bit to hang my work at the local coffee shop. Wish me luck!

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