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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

He's 5!

Happy Birthday to The Youngest, who turned 5 today! I can't believe how time flies, and that he will be starting kindergarten this fall!

Here is a picture of him with his gift from us. He spotted this sign a couple of weekends ago while we were camping and asked if he could have it. How could we refuse when it was so close to his Birthday and he's got the perfect wall for it?

Later on his Best Friend and Future Wife will be coming over to join us for a play date and then dinner. The Husband always cooks the kids whatever they request for their Birthday dinner, and The Youngest requested lobster alfredo. I can't wait to see his face when he sees the lobsters!


Anonymous said...

He's so cute!!! Tell him I said Happy Birthday!!!!


Amy Benzenhafer said...

He looks soooo happy! How did you score that sign?

Jen said...

Happy Birthday "Youngest"! I better not show my son that picture or he will want one too.