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Monday, September 10, 2007

Macro Monday!

Congratulations to Jenn, who correctly guessed that last week's Macro Monday shot was the middle of a flower.

I don't think it will take too long to get a correct guess for this week's shot. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

It's either a placement or a lawn chair.


Jen said...

One of those little potholders I used to make as a kid where you stretch little colored bands over the "loom" with little pegs! Even if I am not right, thanks for bringing back a wonderful childhood memory!

Jen said...

I just looked at it again and realized it would have to be a REALLY complicated potholder if I am right...WOW!

Lisa Walsh said...

Alright, so far you're both wrong, but LOL Jenn! I had one of those things too! Thanks for the laugh.

Why is it always the ones I think are easy that end up being difficult?

Anonymous said...

A basket.

Anonymous said...

Ok....I agree with Thelma on the second guess. An easter basket??


Anonymous said...

OK--I'm done stalking (I think I've said that before!!) I'm in with an Easter Basket ~Nicki

Anonymous said...

D.H thinks pot holder. J.M. thinks basket. E.B. thinks place mat. S.M. says quilt. K.M. says table clothe. B.D. says folding chair. Ms. Coyne has no idea for the second week in a row. The Husband thinks its the kids easter baskets.