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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Some Rugby Action

Here's a few shots from Saturday's rugby game at Genesee. Thank you to the team for allowing me to post them on my blog!

A very rare 4-shot sequence of The Husband running the ball...


Jim, "Homer" said...

OK Lisa, I was looking at these and got busy at work. So now I'll leave a comment. I WANT TO SHOOT RUGBY, I was yelling that by the way. I really like the over saturated look of these with the background of the sky.

That last shot put a huge smile on my face. I know it's a sequence but your husband is no longer holding the ball and you have this big burly guy huging him. I can just hear what's being wispered in his ear "I love you man".

Amy Benzenhafer said...

Great color! Great action!
Hope you aren't too close to the sidelines!!! They look like they would clobber you!

Anonymous said...

I've been warned no to hurt the equipment, even at the risk of severe injury to myself. And Homer, he did ask for my number but I told him I was with the hottie behind the camera. He pouted the rest of the game.
The Husband

Jim, "Homer" said...

That is so funny.