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Monday, October 8, 2007

My Birthday

Tomorrow is my birthday, and it's such a special day that my boys got the day off from school. I'm looking forward to spending the day with them and my little buddy. We're going to have so much fun!

The Husband, being the wonderful man that he is, wanted to take me someplace nice to take pictures of the leaves turning since he knows this is my favorite time of year. We decided to visit Harriman State Park just outside of NYC. Since it's close to his family, we were able to stay and visit with them as well.

I apologize for being away from my blog (and I'll be returning phone calls and emails soon). It seems that something is wrong with The Husband's laptop and we were unable to access the internet while we were away. (What bothered me more was not having Photoshop so I could process my pictures)!

For now I will leave you with my favorite shot from the park. There wasn't as much fall color as I'd hoped for, but that means I still have time to shoot before the leaves are gone.

Macro Monday will resume next week!


Jen said...

Happy, Happy YOU! I know I am early, but I have lost my brain somewhere and I fear I will forget tomorrow to post a message.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow. I must be a bad mom since my idea of a birthday treat would be a day away from my son! Or maybe your kids are just better behaved ;-)

Anonymous said...

Happy happy birthday to my soul sister and partner in crime! What crazy things will you think of this year my friend?!
ps the pic is so serene and calming. Beautiful job!

Lisa Walsh said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes you two! me, I was originally petitioning to change my birthday to a school day, lol!

Thelma...who knows what this next year will bring?

Jim, "Homer" said...

Have a great Birthday today. Oh, great reflective shot.

Stacey J. said...

Great Shot Lisa...Happy Birthday tomorrow!!! I went through your blog a the macro monday idea!

Melissa Koehler said...

Hi Lisa!
Thanks for the comment on my blog! How neat that you have an Aiden too :)
Happy birthday. I hope you do something fun!
Melissa :)

Jennifer of VanSuydam Photographers said...

Lisa, happy birthday yesterday! :)