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Friday, November 2, 2007


It's offical! We finally closed on the house we've been living in (and waiting to close on) for 11 months and 1 day. We could write a book on this experience, but that would mean we'd have to re-live it. We don't want to go there.

No, we don't have snow yet. This picture is from last winter. We've been running around all day so I don't have time to take a new one. We're off to help Thelma paint HER new house.


Jennifer of VanSuydam Photographers said...

Lisa, you have such a beautiful home. (I love houses. :)

Amy Benzenhafer said...

Congrats Lisa!!!! I am so happy this ordeal is finally over for you! I bet the Holidays are going to be absolutely perfect this year!

Jen said...

Hip, hip, hooray! What an ordeal...I am so glad it is finally over and the house is yours! Congrats!

Jim, "Homer" said...

I am so very happy for you Lisa. I know there is probably still a lot to do but enjoy this victory. You've worked hard for it.

Amy Benzenhafer said...

Have I commented on this blog yet??? =)
Hell YEAH! It's about time!!!
Oh... you know what... I might have already commented... something about enjoying the holidays! =)