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Monday, November 26, 2007

Macro Monday

The general consensus last Monday was that it was a picture of a hubcap or rim, but it was actually the top of a humidifier. Better luck this week!


Anonymous said...

We all agree that its the handle to our favorite teacher's hammer.
The Husband (Writing for the first group of Dawgs)

Lisa Walsh said...

OK...a bunch of vote's for Myers' hammer. Got it. :)

Anonymous said...

Dash it all....I was too late!


Amy Benzenhafer said...

well... I am going to say.... hammer! NO! Just kidding...
So it's a hammer? Are you conceeding to that guess already?
Or is your post just saying "got it" to all the votes??!??!! I am soo confused!

But, I was going to say golf club. Hahahaha