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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Emails and Other Related News

I got this email shortly after Christmas. I love it when couple's read my site and "get" me. I laughed so hard at this one!

My fiance and I are looking for a wedding photographer for our 5/24/2009 wedding. The wedding will be in the evening and on a boat sailing around Seneca Lake . . . so it is imperative that our photographer not have any issues with boats, water or seasickness!

We can make arrangements to have large amounts of coffee available, however an IV drip is not possible . . . If you are available on this date and we have not scared you off with our boat talk, please contact us at your earliest convenience.

I did end up meeting with them to chat about their wedding cruise. "A" & "G", if you're reading this, I hope to hear from you soon!

Other business-related stuff: After much deliberation I have decided that I will no longer be doing post-production work on images before your galleries go live. This will not only allow you to view your images online much sooner, it will also expedite the album design process. Instead of editing all of your images, I'll only need to edit the ones that are going into your album or being printed. As always, previews will be posted on the blog within 24 hours, and that will give you an idea of what your final images will look like.

1 comment:

Jim, "Homer" said...

That is so true. So blogging works, isn't that great.

Hey Lisa, I've contacted a female rugby team out here and have gotten the OK to shoot some action. I'm really excited about this and can't wait. It was your shots that inspired me to find a team out here. Now I just need a lacrose team.