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Wednesday, May 7, 2008


A few from The Oldest's track meet last night.


Sindee said...

You've got some good track pictures also Lisa, I especially like the high jump, it was my event in High School many years ago!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Wife.
The Husband

Anonymous said...

I love the guy just clearing the bar..
Jeff of Vistaphotography

just stopping by... :-)

Amy Benzenhafer said...

You proud mom, you!!!!

Great shots! LOVE these.

Jen said...

You should be a sports photographer too!

Jim, "Homer" said...

You did a great job on these Lisa. Great timing getting your boy going over the bar. Shooting sports is fun but's it's great when it's your own kid out there. Nice job.

Lisa Walsh said...

Thanks everyone! Jen, I would love to shoot sports! I won't get to shoot much of The Husband's rugby this fall. :(

Jim, I definitely had to work on getting the timing right for the high jump. At first I was getting him at the end of the jump...not very interesting. It takes some practice to get it right, as you well know!

Jim, "Homer" said...

I just noticed his team shirt, does that say homer. Cool!

Lisa Walsh said...

Yes it does, lol!