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Thursday, September 27, 2007

True Blue

This is the last of my new background colors. In retrospect I wish I had picked a slightly darker blue, but I think it'll grow on me. When I pulled it out of the tube it shipped in I thought they sent me the wrong color. I stood there looking at it thinking it couldn't possibly be right, but it was. That's what happens when you give me too many choices!

I really think this one can go either way as far as gender is concerned (and for the record I think a darker blue could, too, but let's face it...the purple is for the girls).


Anonymous said...

I had to chuckle when I saw these pics. The boots are just how she rolls!

Jen said...

I love them! All of the the colors are great. I like the lighter blue.

Such cute pictures of the kids!

Jim, "Homer" said...

These are great Lisa, I've looked at these pictures a few times and each time I see that last shot is just puts a great big smile on my face. Great shot.