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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Still Life

I have yet to shoot a wedding between the months of October and May, but I've decided I need to find those winter Brides & Grooms in order to get my photography fix during those months. I get really antsy when I can't get out and shoot.
Until I find them, I have to keep taking pictures of whatever catches my eye. In this case, it was a cork!

Between the 3 days a week I watch my Little Buddy and Peanut, my Tuesday shift at the gym, and meeting with couple's, I've been busy. I've settled into a workout routine of sorts and am down 2-4 lbs. depending on the day (I need to stop weighing myself every day. I'm just making sure it doesn't go up, lol). I don't know if I have any hope of beating The Husband at this weight loss thing, but I'm dedicated none the less!


Anonymous said...

What is that cork from, and more importantly why wasn't I invited????

Lisa Walsh said...

Because no bottles of wine were harmed during the shoot. It was from the collection, lol!