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Wednesday, February 6, 2008


It's been raining here since last night. I can't remember the last time we had a significant snowfall...I think it was the middle of December? Late last week we had a bunch of ice, but it warmed up yesterday and most of it melted. There are puddles all over the Country Club, and if I didn't know better I'd say spring was coming.

This is one of the trees right outside of the Morning Area, as The Youngest refers to it. The rain drops on the branch's caught my eye this morning so I ran out in my slippers and took this picture.


Jen said...

Grrrr! We just got 8 inches of snow and ice! Wanna trade? Love the picture though!

Anonymous said...

Could you please photoshop in Spring to my life? If so, i have a deal that you can't refuse.
I would be so grateful that I will personally grant you any wish you would like....including a hummer that never ever breaks down....also i will rewire your entire house for free! Oh, and i'll give you a bottle of wine too.

Jennifer of VanSuydam Photographers said...

If I didn't know that it is only the beginning of February, I would totally think you took that picture in April! Beautiful.

Jim, "Homer" said...

Very nice, so simple but I love the color and DOF. You should run out in the slippers more often.