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Monday, April 7, 2008


I had a dentist appointment on "Q" day, so by the time I got home all of my ideas had been taken...Q-tips, quarters, quiet. I knew it was bound to happen. Quads were the only other thing I could think of, so as much as I didn't want to post a picture of my legs, well, there they are, lol! The funniest part was me actually taking the picture. My remote wasn't working, so I had to stand far enough away to be in focus, but close enough so I could reach over and press the button.


Anonymous said...

Great shot, like those legs, very sexy Lisa!

Enjoy observimg your work.


Frank - Colorado

Jen said...

OMG! This post made me laugh! I tried to figure out what the "Q" was in the picture before I scrolled down. I couldn't figure it out for the life of me. I am an idiot! I teach human anatomy and I didn't get quads!

Lisa Walsh said...

LOL Jen! And I nearly failed biology!