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Monday, April 7, 2008


After meeting with Theresa & Peter on Saturday, The Husband, The Youngest and I headed up to Sheldrake Vineyards in Ovid, NY. Jessica & Paul are getting married there at the end of August and I wanted to check it out beforehand. The staff were really nice and helpful, and used to people with camera's. The girl I talked to laughed when I asked if I could take some pictures.

Isn't this a beautiful location for a wedding?


Young Creations said...

Yes, I would love to be there for a wedding, preferable MINE. Thanks for the beautiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

so i finally got to meet the oldest & the youngest on friday. i think i annoyed the oldest when i suggested he do his homework before his grades were due (he informed me that tim tells everyone about his school work, or lack there of) and the youngest is adorable! and i think i owe him tickets to a yankee game.

- coyne